

발행연도 2023/06/30
11 1
페이지 5-11(7)
제목 유산소운동과 호흡운동을 병행한 복합운동이 코로나 경험 유무에 따라 심폐기능에 미치는 영향
저자 정대인1, 이한결2*
교신저자 이한결
소속 1광주보건대학교 물리치료학과, 2상무병원 전문운동센터
Abstract Purpose: This study aimed to investigate differences in the rate of improvement of cardiopulmonary function with aerobic exercise combined with breathing exercise between individuals who recovered from COVID-19 and those who were not infected. Methods: A total of 22 college students in their 20s and 30s at G University were recruited. Of the 22 students, 4 dropped out, and 18 performed combined exercise three times a week for 4 weeks. Subjects were assigned to COVID-19-infected and noninfected groups. Aerobic exercise was performed with 10 min of walking in place and 10 min of stepping exercise, and stretching was performed for 5 min each before and after exercise. For respiratory exercise, exhalation was performed using a 30 cm diameter balloon, and inspiratory exercise was performed using an incentive spirometer. Cardiopulmonary function was measured using microQuark, and resting heart rate was measured using Doctor Pulse. Data analysis was performed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences software version 22.0 for Windows. Results: Resting heart rate decreased more in the non-infected group. However, no significant difference was observed between both groups (p>.05). Cardiopulmonary function showed that forced vital capacity (FVC) significantly increased in the infected group (p<.05), and forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) significantly increased in both groups (p<.05). The infected group was increased more significantly than the non-infected group (p<.05). No significant difference in FEV1/FVC was observed between the two groups (p>.05). Conclusion: Combined exercise is effective in improving cardiopulmonary function in patients who recovered from COVID-19. Although this study has some limitations due to the study period and age group, it is thought to be helpful for research on the aftereffects of COVID-19.
키워드 Post-covid, Aerobic Exercise, Breathing Exercises, Combined Exercise, Cardiopulmonary Function.
첨부파일 #1 02_정대인,_이한결(5-11).pdf