

발행연도 2023/06/30
11 1
페이지 1-4(4)
제목 저강도 인터벌훈련이 복대동맥 치환술 후 발생한 전신쇠약 환자에게 미치는 영향
저자 류흥호1*
교신저자 류흥호
소속 인제대학교 상계백병원 운동치료실
Abstract Purpose: This study aimed to examine the effects of low-intensity interval training on a patient unable to walk due to generalized weakness after surgery. Methods: A patient who underwent abdominal aortic replacement surgery was included in this study. Low-intensity interval training was performed with little difficulty for 24 days using an S-bar standing frame and a walking aid. Results: With low-intensity training, the patient’s muscle strength (lower extremity) increased from F− to F+. Aerobic ability improved, and the patient was able to walk more than 90 m using a walking aid in a state where walking was not possible. Furthermore, pulmonary edema and effusion improved. Conclusion: Low-intensity interval training is useful for patients with general weakness after abdominal aortic replacement surgery.
키워드 General Weakness, Low Intensity Interval Training, Abdominal Aortic Replacement
첨부파일 #1 01_류흥호(1-4).pdf