

발행연도 2019/12/07
7 1
페이지 43-46(4)
제목 한국 권역 호흡기전문질환센터 흡입기 사용 실태조사 -충북대 병원을 중심으로-
저자 신정우
교신저자 신정우
소속 충북대학교병원
Abstract Purpose : This study has been conducted to identify the use of inhalers in one of five regional special respiratory centers in korea. Methods : A survey was conducted through structured questionnaire for outpatients who were treated by department of respiratory and allegry. The survey items consisted of a total of 10 questions, included age of outpatients, duration of inhaler use, inhaler educated or not, the number of education on the use of inhalers, who has received inhaler training, inhaler modify or not, the number of modify on the use of inhalers, the number of modified inhaler education, inhaler effect or not, degree of inhaler effect. Results : The highest response in the age item was 40s and 70s. Duration of inhaler use was 95.5% over 1year. Inhaler education was 100%. The number of education on the use of inhalers was highest in more 10 times. educators were followed by doctors, nurses, and pharmacists. Inhaler modify was 59%. The number of modify were 1 to 4 times. when modify inhalers, 69.7% were only educated. In inhaler effect item, 22.6% of the respondents said that they did not effect and did not know well. the effectiveness of the inhaler was 22.7% with 0points. Conclusion : In order to improve the problems in the use of the inhaler, the subject is old and mabe incomprehensible, so a long time is required, and the attention and education of physical therapist who is missing frome the role of the inhaler education is required to increase the number of insufficient education.
키워드 Chronic lower respiratory disease, Inhaler education, Pulmonary rehabilitation, Respiratory physical therapy
첨부파일 #1 7_한국_권역_호흡기전문질환센터_흡입기_사용_실태조사.pdf