

발행연도 2021/12/31
9 2
페이지 1-5(5)
제목 가로막의 근막이완기법이 최대호흡압력과 노력성폐활량에 미치는 효과
저자 오현비, 이용기, 이건호, 조성민, 장우진, 김원재, 김기송*
교신저자 김기송
소속 호서대학교 물리치료학과
Abstract Purpose : This study aimed to investigate the immediate effects of myofascial release techniques(MRT) on the diaphragm on maximal respiratory pressure and forced vital capacity(FVC) in healthy adults. Methods : A total of 20 healthy male subjects participated in this study. A spirometer(Pony FX MIP/MEP, Cosmed Inc., Italy) was used to measure the maximal respiratory pressure maximal inspiratory pressure(MIP), maximal expiratory pressure(MEP), and forced vital capacity(FVC). The data were collected before and after MRT. Results : FVC and MIP data were normally distributed, and a paired t-test was employed to analyze the statistical differences between before and after MRT. MEP data were not normally distributed, and the Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used to analyze the statistical differences between before and after MRT. There was a significant difference in FVC(P = 0 . 003) but no s ignificant d ifference in MIP(P = 0.448) and MEP(P = 0.200). Conclusion : MRT could be an effective manual technique for decreasing FVC. However, MRT did not induce any changes in MIP and MEP. Therefore, active endurance exercise may be an essential element to increase aerobic capacity in healthy adults.
키워드 Myofascial Release Technique, Maximal Respiratory Pressure, Forced Vital Capacity
첨부파일 #1 9권_2호_01_오현비,_이용기,_이건호,_조성민,_장우진,_김원재,_김기송.pdf