

발행연도 2024/03/31
12 1
페이지 7-12(6)
제목 뇌졸중 환자의 삼킴 장애와 호흡기능, 호흡근 근력과의 상관관계
저자 ■이지연1 , 황은명2 , 김진섭3**
교신저자 김진섭
소속 ■1 선문대학교 디지털 헬스케어 연구소, 2 천안재활병원, 3 선문대학교 물리치료학과
Abstract Purpose: Dysphagia is a common secondary complication in patients with stroke, and restrictive ventilation is observed. This study aimed to analyze the correlation between dysphagia, respiratory function, and respiratory muscle strength. Methods: In 20 patients with stroke, dysphagia was evaluated through videofluoroscopic swallowing tests. Based on a PAS score of 5, patients were classified into a stroke group with and without dysphagia according to whether they were eligible for dysphagia treatment. Forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in 1 sec (FEV1),ratioofFEV1 to FVC (FEV1/FVC), peak expiratory velocity (PEF), and maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP) and maximum expiratory pressure (MEP) were assessed. Results: Among the respiratory function evaluation factors, PEF showed significant differences depending on the presence or absence of dysphagia between the two groups. Respiratory muscle strength in MIP and MEP was significantly lower in the stroke group with dysphagia. After analyzing the correlation between the dysphagia group and respiratory function in patients with stroke, PEF (r=−.660, p<.05), MIP (r=−.576, p<.05), and MEP (r=−.524, p<.05) showed statistically significant correlations. Conclusions: The lower the respiratory muscle strength in patients with stroke, the more likely they will experience dysphagia. This can be used as clinical data on respiratory exercises and swallowing rehabilitation for patients with stroke.
키워드 Stroke, Dysphagia, Respiratory Function, Respiratory Muscle Strength
첨부파일 #1 02_이지연,_황은명,_김진섭(7-12).pdf