

발행연도 2014/12/31
2 1
페이지 31-34(4)
제목 정상인에서 리컴번트(recumbent)와 직립(upright) 사이클 운동의 심폐반응 비교: 심부전 재활프로그램에 대한 임상적 적용 가능성 고찰
저자 류호열1, 이중희1, 윤종찬1, 도일선1, 윤도은1, 강석민1
교신저자 강석민
소속 1 연세의료원 심장혈관병원 심장웰니스센터
Abstract Purpose : The purpose of this study is to compare cardiopulmonary exercise parameters during recumbent cycling(RC) and upright cycling(UC) in healthy subjects. Methods : The study population consisted of 12 healthy volunteers(male=7, mean age 29.7±5.7, female=5, 25.4±2.9 years old). Each subject was randomly assigned to perform RC or UC, and started workload at 10 watt and increased by maximal pedaling(to 100 watt). After taking a rest during 1 week, they performed cycling vice versa. Results : Baseline parameters including heart rate(HR), systolic blood pressure(SBP) and rate pressure product(RPP) are comparable between RC and UC group. Submaximal SBP(138.1±10.8 vs. 151.3±15.9 mmHg, p=0.027), submaximal RPP (15244.2±1860.8 vs. 17698.8±3325.4, p=.036), and maximal RPP(25328.3±3032.9 vs. 28443.8±3139.4, p=.022) in RC group were significantly lower than those of UC group. Peak VO2 in RC group tends to be lower than UC group(27.2±3.6 vs. 29.5±2.8 mL/kg/min, p=.087). Conclusion : With similar exercise intensity, RC showed less cardiopulmonary stress compared with UC. These results provide the feasibility of RC based cardiac rehabilitation program in patients with heart failure or in elderly.
키워드 cardiopulmonary exercise test, cycle exercise, heart failure, recumbent cycle, VO2 peak
첨부파일 #1 5_정상인에서_리컴번트recumbent와_직립upright_사이클_운동의_심폐반응_비교_2014.pdf