

발행연도 2014/12/31
2 1
페이지 35-39(5)
제목 정확한 운동능력 측정 평가를 위한 예측METs와 실측METs의 비교
저자 윤정호
교신저자 윤정호
소속 세종병원 물리치료팀
Abstract Purpose : Maximum exercise capacity is considered as an important factor in clinical as an independent prognostic factor in a variety of environments. The purpose of this study was to compare the predicted METs and actual measured METs been measured, calculated according to the formula for the precise measurement and evaluation of exercise capacity. Methods : cardiac rehabilitation referral and treatment of cardiovascular disease is 176 people conducted the exercise test included the ventilation gas assessment EF > 50% group (85) and EF <= 50% was analyzed by dividing the group (91 patients). Results : The predicted METs values were higher in both groups than measured METs values . Measured METs values are higher in the group EF > 50%, METs percentage difference between the value and the difference value is slightly higher in group EF <= 50%. However, the level was not statistically significant. In addition, a significant correlation between the measured METs and predicted METs in both groups(EF <= 50% group r = 0.689, p < 0.001, EF > 50% group r= 0.885 p < 0.001) appeared. Conclusion : t showed the predicted METs are associated with overestimation than actual METs.
키워드 Maximum exercise capacity, predicted METs, measured METs
첨부파일 #1 6_정확한_운동능력_측정_평가를_위한_예_측METs와_실측METs의_비교.pdf