

발행연도 2014/12/31
2 1
페이지 1-7(7)
제목 가로막 호흡과 머리-목 굽힘 운동이 전방머리자세 젊은 성인의 목빗근 근활성도, 호흡기능에 미치는 영향
저자 이현재1, 권나영1, 권유진1, 황호정1, 최종덕1, 김미선2
교신저자 김미선
소속 1 대전대학교 자연과학대학 물리치료학과, 2 대전대학교 일반대학원 물리치료학과
Abstract Purpose : The purpose of this study was to find out the effect of diaphragmatic breathing and muscle activities of sternocleidomastoid(SCM) from cranio-cervical flexion exercise(CCFE) and the changes in respiratory functions of young adults with forward head posture. Methods : The subjects of the study are thirty young adults with forward head posture. They were divided into two groups according to the way they exercise and they participated in the experiment two times a day for a week. A group has carried out CCFE with diaphragmatic breathing, and the other has only implemented CCFE. Spirometer was used to measure pulmonary function, and muscle activities SCM were measured by Surface electromyograph(EMG). Measured value was analyzed by paired T-test. Results : There were significant differences in muscle activities of SCM between experimental group and control group(p<.05), but there was no big difference in variation(p>.05). There were only statistically evident differences in peak expiratory flow(PEF) and maximal voluntary ventilation(MVV) regarding lung function(p<0.05). Conclusion : On the basis of these results, the study shows that CCFE could positively affect decreased muscle activities of SCM and the improvement of cardio pulmonary function.
키워드 Cranio-Cerivical flexion, Diaphragmatic breathing, Forward head posture, Respiratory function
첨부파일 #1 1_가로막_호흡과_머리_목_굽힘_운동이_전방머리자세_젊은_성인의_목빗근_근활성도,_호흡기능_2014.pdf