

발행연도 2013/12/31
1 1
페이지 67-73(7)
제목 유산소운동이 관상동맥 우회술 환자의 심폐 운동능력에 미치는 영향
저자 윤정호1, 정영준2
교신저자 정영준
소속 1 세종병원 물리치료팀, 2 구미대학교 물리치료학과
Abstract Purpose The purpose of this study is to identify effects of aerobic exercise on cardiovascular exercise capacity in patients underwent coronary artery bypass graft. The subjects of this study were patients who underwent coronary artery bypass graft and were referred of exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation program immediately after discharge, divided into the experiment group who participated in exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation program(n=21) and the control group who did not(n=21). The experiment period was between the day of the first exercise loading test since the patients were referred to the cardiac rehabilitation program after discharge and the time after eight-week exercise. During the experiment period, subjects were educated consistent management of risk fact and counseling of the exercise, pulmonary ventilation gas test, graded exercise test, and echocardiography before and after the experiment period, in order to analyze changed heart rate, changes in Rate Pressure Product and Respiratory Exchang Ratio, and cardiopulmonary exercise ability after the experiment. In conclusion, the eight-week, exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation program on cardiovascular exercise capacity in patients underwent coronary artery bypass graft after discharge was significantly effective on reduction in rest heart rate, sub-Rate Pressure Product and sub-Respiratory Exchang Ratio, and enhancement in cardiopulmonary exercise ability
키워드 Exercise Capacity, Coronary artery bypass graft, Rehabilitation, Aerobic exercise
첨부파일 #1 9_유산소운동이_관상동맥_우회술_환자의_심폐_운동능력에_미치는_영향_2013.pdf