

발행연도 2020/12/31
8 2
페이지 35-41(7)
제목 발성훈련과 병합된 복합 호흡운동이 호흡근 및 폐기능에 미치는 효과
저자 정대인1 , 이한결2*
교신저자 이한결
소속 1 광주보건대학교 물리치료과, 2 상무병원
Abstract Purpose : This study aims to investigate the effect of complex breathing exercises combined with vocal training on respiratory muscle and pulmonary function. Methods : A total of 39 college students (17 men and 22 women) were enrolled in this study. The subjects were divided equally into three groups as follows: Group 1: breath training (13), Group 2: vocal training (13), and Group 3: both breath and vocal training (13). The exercise programs were conducted over an eight-week period. Group A received training on thoracic mobilization in four directions and abdominal breathing. Group B received training on reading written text and how to use vocal cords. Group C received training on both methods. Micro Quark (Cosmed, Italy) was used to measure breathing ability, and 2EM (4D-MT, Relive, Gimhae, Korea) was used to measure muscle activity of all groups before and after intervention. Results : In this study, the results showed that there were no significant differences in interaction effect of pulmonary function and muscle activity between the three groups. There was a significant difference in the main effect before and after intervention. Conclusion : According to our results, there was some evidence for the effect of complex breathing exercises combined with vocal training on respiratory muscle and pulmonary function. However, more studies on this subject are needed. Continued research on this subject could provide benefits to the science of physiotherapy as it relates to cardiopulmonary treatment.
키워드 Breathing Exercise, Vocal Training, Pulmonary function, Muscle Activity
첨부파일 #1 8권_2호_06_정대인,_이한결.pdf