발행연도 |
2015/12/31 |
권 |
3 |
호 |
1 |
페이지 |
51-55(5) |
제목 |
전신 쇠약 노인의 흡인성 폐렴에 대한 심장호흡물리치료 사례연구 |
저자 |
류흥호1, 김호봉2 |
교신저자 |
류흥호 |
소속 |
1 인제대학교 상계백병원 재활치료실, 2 제주한라대학교 물리치료학과 |
Abstract |
Purpose : The purpose of this case study is find out the effect of the cardiorespiratory physical therapy on aspiration pneumonia of old and weakly patient. Methods : The old and general weakly man taken a aspiration pneumonia was performed cardiorespiratory physical therapy that coughing assist, tapping, deep breathing exercise for 2days. Result : The old and weakly aspiration pneumonia patient having a dyspnea, high-fever, lot of sputum is improved by the cardiorespiratory physical therapy for 2days. A dyspnea, h igh-fever, lot o f sputum of patient subsided, patient’s chest x-ray prove cardiorespiratory physical therapy that help restore patient’s aspiration pneumonia. Conclusion : The result of application of cardiorespiratory physical therapy to the old and general weakly aspiration pneumonia patient demonstrate the importance of cardiorespiratory physical therapy in an approach to aspiration pneumonia treatment intervention. |
키워드 |
Aspiration pneumonia, Cardiorespiratory physical therapy, Deep breathing exercise |
첨부파일 #1 |