발행연도 |
2015/12/31 |
권 |
3 |
호 |
1 |
페이지 |
29-35(7) |
제목 |
한국 권역 호흡기전문질환센터 호흡물리치료 실태조사 |
저자 |
김난수1, 정주현2, 정종화3 |
교신저자 |
정주현 |
소속 |
1 부산가톨릭대학교 보건과학대학 물리치료학과, 2 김해대학교 물리치료과, 3 부산대학교병원 재활의학과 물리치료실 |
Abstract |
Purpose : This study has been conducted to identify the status of pulmonary physical therapy of the regional special respiratory disease in Korea. Method : A survey was conducted through structured questionnaire for the physical therapists working in regional special respiratory disease center in korea. Survey items included general characteristics of the therapists, general characteristics, specialized therapist, the existing state of pulmonary physical therapy, respiratory disease center condition, patient and therapist satisfaction. Results : twenty percent of respondents were not specialized physical therapist in the hospital. forty percent of respondents were a lack of exclusive team. the chief diagnosis of chest physical
therapy was chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD), pneumonia. A problem of pulmonary physical therapy was a lack of cognition of a clinicians and patients. furthermore, lack of developing national insurance for respiratory rehabilitation. Conclusion : For the activation of pulmonary rehabilitation, it is necessary to develop national insurance for respiratory rehabilitation and to increase the special hospital and specialized physical therapists for pulmonary physical therapy. |
키워드 |
Pulmonary physical therapy, Pulmonary rehabilitation, Respiratory disease |
첨부파일 #1 |